3 de junio de 2008

Frasongs XXVIII

* "Mejor que levantar la voz, reforzar el argumento".
* "Pensamientos tontos los tenemos todos, pero el sabio se los calla".
* "Humano es errar, pero sólo los estúpidos perseveran en el error".
* "Quien siempre dice la verdad puede permitirse tener mala memoria".
* "Todos somos muy ignorantes, lo que ocurre es que no todos ignoramos las mismas cosas".
* "Es más fácil desintegrar un átomo que un prejuicio".

* "Si quieres construir un barco,
no reúnas a la gente para recoger madera
ni le asignes tareas y trabajo.
Más bien, enséñales a anhelar
la eterna inmensidad del mar".

* "Nos conducimos como si el lujo y la comodidad
fuesen las principales satisfacciones de la vida,
cuando lo único que se requiere para hacernos
felices es algo que despierte nuestro entusiasmo..."

* "El que quiere ser águila que vuele,
el que quiera ser gusano que se arrastre,
pero que no grite cuando lo pisen".

* "Quiero morir siendo esclava de los principios,
no de los hombres..."

* "...el que vive éticamente se tiene a sí mismo como tarea..."

* "Todas las respuestas que necesito,
provienen de cosas que no se preguntan..."

* "Perseguiré como busca el agua la sed,
la estela de tu perfume..."

* "We used to laugh a lot
But only because we thought
That everything good always would remain".

* "So now everything is clear
Cause there's noone to blame
You got no place to hide
It's only in your mind".

* "I really think I better get a hold of myself
Don't wanna let the night get ahead of myself
Whisperin' her love through a smoke ring smile
She doesn't know what happens when she's around
I think I'm in love
But it makes me kinda nervous to say so ".

* "We're breaking and rebuilding
And we're growing
Always guessing".

* "Never knowing
Shocking but we're nothing
We're just moments
We're clever but we're clueless
We're just human
Amusing but confusing
Were trying but where is this all leading
Never Know".

* "So I read it again
And again and again
Just seems the same
Too many different names
Our hearts are strong our hands are weak
We'll always be competing never knowing".

* "When your mind is a mess
So is mine
I cant sleep
Cause it hurts when I think
My thoughts aren't at peace".

* "There's waves that can break
All the words that we say
And the words that we mean
Words can fall short
Can't see the unseen
Cause the world is awake
For somebody's sake now, please close your eyes woman
Please get some sleep".

* "But what if I could ask you only one thing
Only this one time, what would you tell me?
Well maybe you could give me a suggestion
So I could know you, what would you tell me? ".

* "Please tell me that there's time
To make this work for all intents and purposes
And what are your intentions, will you try?"

* "What is a heart worth if it's just left all alone?
Leave it long enough and watch it turn into stone
Why must we always be untrue?"

* "Waiting for the passing rain
Clouds keep moving to uncover the scene
Stars above us chasing the day away
To find the stories that we sometimes need
Listen close enough
All else fades
Fades away".

* "Well based on your smile
I'm betting all of this
Might be over soon
But your bound to win
Cause if I'm betting against you
I think I'd rather lose
But this is all that I have".

* "So please
Take what's left of this heart and use
Please use only what you really need
You know I only have so little
So please mend your broken heart and leave"

* "But I'm on your side
And I don't want to be your regret".

* "So please
Let me take what's left of your heart and I will use
I swear I'll use only what I need
I know you only have so little
So please
Let me mend my broken heart".

* "If you could read my mind
You'd say baby you're right
And I don't wanna fight anymore
You're usually righter than I am
And I'm not a very good fighter
And my, neither are you".

* "How can you be so calm when the truth is sometimes
Living in the eye of the storm
With everything going on around us
I feel comfort in the sounds when you say
It will be ok".

* "This experience reminds me of a clock
That just won't tick".

* " I picked up the pieces when I woke
Put them in a boat made of things that I don't want to see
I blew on the sail
Watched it drift out to sea
The further it drifted the closer it came to me
I can't explain ".

* "God gave a present to me
Made of flesh and bones
My life, my soul
You make my spirit whole".

* "You are a treasure to me
You are my star
You breathe new life
Into my broken heart".

* "You can call me a sinner
You can call me a saint
Celebrate me for who I am
Dislike me for what I ain't".

* "There are too many options
There is no consolation
I have lost my illusions
What I want is an explanation".

* "And I know I can feel bad
When I get in a bad mood
And the world can look so sad
Only you make me feel good".

* "'Cause everything you do
Comes back in time to you
We have to change our fate
Before it gets too late".

* "Tell your tales to someone else
Or written keep them to yourself
I've heard your stories
All before you're always walking out the door".

* "Say what you mean, mean what you say
Don't go and throw our love away
God strike me dead if I did you wrong
This is not a love song".

* "Time goes by so slowly for those who wait
And those who run seem to have all the fun".

* "Nowhere to run nowhere to hide
That's how I feel, don't fog my mind".

* "Now I believe that dreams come true
'Cause you came when I wished for you
This just can't be coincidence".

* "You must be my Lucky Star
'Cause you shine on me wherever you are
I just think of you and I start to glow".

* "Para escaparnso de la realidad te suplico, matame suavemente".
* "Llévame a un mundo ideal, yo te voy a seguir con los ojos cerrados".

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